But therein lies Fedora Core 5's quirk. It's software package manager, aka 'pirut' only retrieves software through online repositories! So whenever I tried to use the gui package manager, it just threw me some error which did not even tell me the problem. So googling around, thanks to several forums, I found out that the problem was this strange characteristic of pirut. So how to fix this? Googled again, but only one blog talked about getting it fixed, but did not exactly state how. There was also another website that gave quite detailed steps, but again, it was apparently not tested yet. So fine, I had to just mess around, with only a few hours to go. In the end, this is what I came up with. I hope it helps anyone else who has this problem.
1. Create a directory to hold the rpms.(I put mine in /tmp)
# mkdir -p /tmp/RPMS
2. Change directory to the repository folder
# cd /tmp/RPMS
3. Create directories to temporarily mount the discs
# mkdir disc1 disc2 disc3 disc4 disc5
4. Insert disc 1 and mount it
# mount -r -o loop /dev/hdb disc1
5. Copy the RPMS from the mounted directory(disc1) to our current directory
# cp disc1/Fedora/RPMS/* .
6. Copy comps.xml as well
# cp disc1/repodata/comps.xml .
ok, here you gotta wait a while
Basically you do steps 4 and 5 again until all the 5 discs are done if you wish to install packages from all 5 discs.
7. Once you are done, unmount and remove the files.
# umount disc1 disc2 disc3 disc4 disc5
# rmdir disc1 disc2 disc3 disc4 disc5
8. Now to create the repository metadata
# rpm -Uvh createrepo*
# createrepo -g comps.xml .
9. Edit yum.conf
#vi /etc/yum.conf
10. Add in the below lines and save your changes. (NOTE: You can actually add it in the yum.repos.d as well if you wish)
name=testing the repos
11. Now you have to disable the repositories that point to an online source for the package manager to run properly.
# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
# ls
(You should see something like the below. Those are the default repository files)

12. To disable the repositories, set enabled=0 in the .repo files
# vi fedora-core.repo
13. Do the same for the rest of the .repo files
14. On your desktop, try the Add/Remove Software package manager again.
It should work now.
The above could not have been done without some reference from http://www.city-fan.org/tips/YumRepoFromImages
They also have an excellent tutorial for copying iso from DVDs
Hi.. Thanks for this beautiful info..
But when i tred yum always searched in baseURL/Fedora/RPMS
so i moved all my rpms inside baseurl/Fedora/RPMS by creating dirs.. and it worked..
n e way thanks
Hi deepak,
great that it worked!
But which step was it that had a problem? maybe I can modify my post some more so that it'll be clearer for others
Glad to be of help! :D
Hi ,
I ran into trouble again. Now when i open ADD/REMOVE Programs it is working. But if i select i package and try to install,getting error as "unable to read the package header"(I am not very specific here abt the error, if needed I can attach the screenshot ).
Did you get such error?
Please let me know if you have any solution ?
Best Regards,
Athreya VC
Hi Athreya, sorry I've been really busy, can you attaCH a screenshot here? or email it to me at widdlepuke@gmail.com
Thanks! I was looking for a solution for this. I included your post in my blog.
It works great now. Thanks Maggie
thanks man, but is there a way to get the add remove software util to till me what cd should insert and stuff, so that it does the job automatically like the old days of redhat ??
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